Navigating life after death




2 Years


UX Design
Frontend Dev
Visual Design

Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Figma · Miro · React Native
Navigating life after death

Project Overview


Granate presented us with a start-up concept to create an app that helps people know what to do after a loved one dies. The project was just a idea when we became involved, and they were in need of features, branding, and a growth roadmap. We were dealing with a unique topic, so considering target users and tone of voice was very important.


We created a mobile application where after users answer a series of questions, they receive a guided and personalized path to help them navigate life after a loved one’s death. Users can add their own tasks, rank priority, and include items such as property, dependents, pets, and more.

I led multiple brainstorming, user research, and user testing sessions to ensure we were addressing our users’ complex and sensitive needs. With many rapid wireframe iterations and a high-fidelity interactive prototype, we secured funding to build alpha and beta versions of the app. After more testing and tweaking, we were able to launch v1 of the app on both Apple and Android phones! Our work also helped to secure enough investment funding for the company to hire in-house staff to continue iterating on the product.




Ideation & Evolution

This project began as just an idea, and in our early brainstorming sessions, no idea was too big or small. We weren't worried about how - instead, we were focused on defining what was needed, what would be helpful, and what would separate them from competitors. It all started with hand-drawn sketches and many, many questions.

Over the course of the project, we went through countless wireframe iterations. It was essential we were mapping out the features and flow to represent both the client's vision and user needs. We'd perform user testing to validate or refine our assumptions. We began with pure wireframes, and once we felt confident in the flow of the app, we then iterated through designed screens.

Getting the branding and voice right were especially high-stakes for this project, as we were dealing with an extremely sensitive issue.


Before we could begin development, we created a fully interactive prototype with multiple user paths as a way for the company to secure more investors. Once they raised the funds needed, we began on alpha and beta versions.

I began this project having never coded in a React or React Native environment, and ended it as the lead frontend developer of a team of three. I created components, manipulated data from the backend, and set up conditional logic. Since I helped define business logic during the design phase, it made my work as a developer extremely efficient, especially as this was a startup environment. We didn't have a lot of resources, time, or defined requirements, so knowing what the end goal was helped to make in-the-moment decisions.

You can view a demo of the app here.



Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Solving problems in pixels and code